GREEN. There is a lot of talk about GREEN these days. Green building, green living, green speech, green cars...so much I started to wonder what it really means to be GREEN, or to go GREEN.
I got an email about a Realtor class offering a green designation. Well, I needed the CEU's so I signed up thinking that I might actually learn something, but I would have the fail safe of earning 18 CEUs just in case. I took the class and I actually did learned something! I really did. I sort of got excited about the whole GREEN deal and in addition to earning 18 hours of continuing ed, and earning a new Realtor "green" designation to languish behind my name, I have gone green. (http://www.jeffsgonegreen.com/).
I am a rebel, or maybe just arrogant, but I need to define my terms to you know what I mean by going green.
Green is a lifestyle resulting in sustainability of this planet as a place for humans to live.
Green is using less energy and emitting fewer "greenhouse" gasses into the atmosphere.
Green is saving money by using less.
Green is living just a little simpler and as the result of that, being a little less dependent upon, technology, and as the result of that, being a little happier!
Green is using my share.
Being a Realtor, I thought I would start on my house and tell you about it. This is my conversion to being GREEN.