City Area – 2012
Commercial Real Estate Status and Confidence
Edberg, CCIM, SIOR
The national recession that followed resulted in increased unemployment, falling real estate prices, erosion of buyer and investor confidence and increased federal regulation of many things, including the mortgage lending process.
Flood of 2008
On June 16, 2008 this area also was inundated by an epic 500-year flood that flooded businesses, homes and many University of Iowa landmark buildings causing dislocation, turmoil, and economic hardship. The cost to the City, its residents and the University is estimated to be near $1 Billion Dollars. As the result of this event, there was the “big move around” in 2008 where displaced business relocated en mass creating a mini real estate leasing boom in the middle of the flood calamity and the real estate meltdown of 2008. In addition to this “mini boom”, the federal government in the form of FEMA reimbursement, insurance and emergency programs has reimbursed, or will reimburse, approximately 85% of the loss or a staggering $850,000,000 of new money entering our community. This counter balance is difficult to analyze and creates an uncertain economic environment, which is at the heart of the investment real estate market dilemma. Many individuals lost wealth, but with the redistribution of wealth from FEMA, insurance and government programs, the net overall result was minor.
This report puts these two events in perspective and
examines the effect on the local commercial real estate market. Based on this information as well as
anecdotal information, I will attempt to make predictions of the commercial
real estate market’s future on the near term, and far term. I collected
information on area retail sales, real estate sales including both residential
and commercial sales, unemployment, building permit data, CPI and prime
interest rates. I expected to explain
the general feeling of market malaise with these statistics, but instead found
a mild and varied effect from the national economic upheaval. It would be
difficult to simply view the data and conclude that the commercial real estate
market is and has been in the “market doldrums”.
Retail Sales
Real Estate Sales
Residential sales prices and volume of sales are good indicators for the Iowa City area. These indicators often demonstrate how isolated, or insulated our market is. Largely due to the University of Iowa and the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) many home buyers are brought to the area to purchase homes and many are sent

Commercial Land Sales

Building Permits

Commercial building permits are interesting to analyze, but with small data sets with single digit numbers, conclusions are somewhat subjective. Permit numbers are relatively steady and upward sloping until 2009 where they are dramatically reduced. Both industrial and commercial building permits are 4 each for Johnson County and we will just have to wait and see what the 2012 data tells us. I suspect it will be steady with modest, if any increase.
General Market Indicators

I have listed a lot of information with charts, graphs and explanations. It is accurate and interesting information, but doesn’t lead to any clear and firm conclusions. I believe we can, however glean some important trends from this information that will help understand the present commercial real estate market and predict future trends. Conventional wisdom has expressed that there was a real estate driven meltdown in 2007 and we will have a recovery and move on as we were before. I don’t believe this fairly states the reality of our situation. Our community is less affected than many if not most areas of the country, but we are still subject to national changes in appraisal rules and national trends in financing: Both are critical to a healthy real estate market. Investing in real estate has been made more difficult because even though there are historically low financing rates, loan terms require a 25% cash down payment and interest rates are typically reviewed after 5 years meaning there is concern about good current rates escalating when the current Fed controls are lifted and rates go to market levels.
The overall market indicators such as CPI, Prime Rate and unemployment rates look positive and stable, yet improving. The effects of uncertainty and national restraints from financing, appraisal rules and regional and national tenant / buyer goals have created a slow, cautious commercial market. The general election looming in less than a month also introduces uncertainty in the market slowing the process even further.
Instead of a recovery, as many people are waiting for, buyers and sellers, tenants and landlords are just getting use to this challenging market and are moving forward slowly, or at least making plans to move forward. After the general election results are known, regardless of who wins, and after the Congress acts on extending the 2010 Tax Relief Act or changing the 2011 Budget Control Act to insure we don’t fall off the “fiscal cliff”, the commercial real estate market will start to normalize. The main problem is not that rates are high, or the current market has prohibitive economics, the problem is that there is no path to the future. Investors and business owners cannot predict the future with enough certainty to plan business operations.
We are looking forward to more of the same tepid market we have experienced for Five years with improvement after the first of 2013 with steady increase in confidence and sales and leasing activity over the far term. Unknowns are, as stated, the fiscal cliff, the election, but also any new stimulus results along with the Federal Reserve monetary policy and interest rate supports.
Jeff Edberg has been a commercial real estate broker for over 35 years and holds the distinguished CCIM and SIOR commercial real estate designations.He is a market leader in the Iowa City area and manages the Lepic Kroeger Commercial Group in Iowa City. Rachel Barnes has been Jeff’s licensed assistant for over 7 years and is a CCIM candidate.Together they provide great real estate service in Johnson County.
(319) 331-6187 - Jeff
(319) 321-5108 - Rachel
Note: All information is derived from sources deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.